Critical Link International spearheaded a movement that has evolved into a robust field of study, research, and professional practice in community interpreting.

Critical Link 2: Standards and Ethics in Community Interpreting

Between May 19 and 23, 1998, 304 participants from twenty-three countries gathered on the beautiful campus of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada for a conference on the theme of Standards and Ethics in Community Interpreting: Recent Developments.

In a series of intensive and thought-provoking working sessions, conference participants identified the following as areas requiring further discussion and/or action:

1.  The need to enhance training for community interpreters to place it on an
academic and professional level.
2.  The need to establish national and/or international standards for the training
and accreditation of community interpreters.
3.  The need to educate individuals who work with interpreters.
4.  The need for continuing dialogue in all areas relating to
community interpreting.

Critical Link 2 Papers

Selected papers presented at the Critical Link 2 conference, held in 1998 in Vancouver, were published by John Benjamins Publishing in the volume The Critical Link 2: Interpreters in the Community, edited by Silvana E. Carr, Roda P. Roberts, Aideen Dufour and Diana Abraham. Papers not included in this volume are available below in HTML, Word and PDF format.


Clark, Elizabeth—Australia.
Interpreters and Speech Pathologists: Some Ethnographic Data

Fowler, Yvonne—U.K.
No Role Plays Please–We’re British: Devising Workshops on Working through an Interpreter for Police, Social Workers and Probation Officers

Fredericks, Cecilia—Malaysia.
Using Non-Professional Interpreters in a Multi-Ethnic Primary Care Clinic

Gamal, Muhammad Y—Australia.
Teaching Interpreting at a Technical College: The Granville Experience

Hamerik, Nina and Bodil Martinsen—Denmark.
Community Interpreter Training Programme in Denmark

Jacobsen, Bente—Denmark.
Additions in Court Interpreting: A Ph.D. Project Investigating the Language of Court Interpreters in Danish Courtrooms

Lotriet, Annelie—South Africa.
Sign Language Interpreting in South Africa: Meeting the Challenges

Meyer, Bernd—Germany.
Interpreter-Mediated Doctor-Patient Communication: The Performance of Non-Trained Community Interpreters

Ostarhild. Edda—U.K.
The International Collaboration in Setting Public Service Interpreting Equivalencies

Roy, Cynthia et al.
The Critical Link: Innovative Theory and Practice for Educating Interpreters

Tse, Chung Alan—Hong Kong.
Is the Simultaneous Mode Feasible and Desirable in Court Interpreting? The Hong Kong Experience and Experiment

Wadensjö, Cecilia—Sweden.
The Social Organization of Remembering in Interpreter-Mediated Encounters

The text of the following papers is in the exact format provided by the author and has not been edited or altered in any way.

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