Critical Link International spearheaded a movement that has evolved into a robust field of study, research, and professional practice in community interpreting.

Critical Link International and MITIO Announce Free Remote Interpreting Course

Critical Link International (CLI) is pleased to announce that it has teamed up with the Medical Interpreting and Translation Institute Online (MITIO), an international educational institution based in the United States, to provide 100 scholarships for a remote interpreting course free of charge for members until the end of the year 2020. In COVID-19 times, remote interpreting has become essential. COVID-19 has demonstrated the need for agility and adaptability when it comes to providing essential interpreting services.

This 25-hour course has a monetary value of up to US$250.00, a tangible benefit to CLI members when they need it most. Enrollment will remain open through the end of this year, so interpreters who wish to be included in this program should join CLI at This course is designed to give interpreters the specialized knowledge and skills needed to work as a remote interpreter from anywhere in the world. While the course focuses on medical interpreting scenarios, it is useful to all interpreters, as remote interpreting has permeated all specializations. Successful participants get a certificate after finishing the course. The course is provided in English. “As a CLI member, MITIO is pleased to contribute and welcome Critical Link International colleagues into our program, in solidarity during these difficult times”, stated Dr. Nelva Lee, President of MITIO. For more information on MITIO, see

COVID-19 has taken many interpreters into remote interpreting, and some lack the tools for a smooth transition. This is CLI’s way to help our members in these difficult times ”, stated Dr. Izabel Souza, CLI board member. MITIO offers worldwide online interpreting instruction since 2004. “This joint initiative reflects CLI’s core value of global solidarity and may support our members’ professional goals; stated Maria Wattne, CLI board member.

Critical Link International is a non-profit organization committed to the advancement of the field of community interpreting / public service interpreting worldwide. CLI breaks down the silos to allow for collegial support and collaboration among all stakeholders, bringing theory and practicality together. Critical Link works to reflect and connect both the signed and spoken language communities, providing options, and acting as a hub for the sharing of resources worldwide for all interpreting stakeholders. ( CLI mandate includes: a)  raise awareness about interpreting as a profession, b)  promote standards that guide the practice of interpreters, c)  encourage and share research in the field of interpreting, d)  lead the discussion about the educational requirements for interpreters, and e)  advocate for professional-level interpreting in the social, legal and health care sectors.