Critical Link International spearheaded a movement that has evolved into a robust field of study, research, and professional practice in community interpreting.

New Board of Directors Vote at Critical Link 8

CLI moves into an exciting time as we celebrate the past 3 years and look forward to the next…

On June 30th, Critical Link International will be voting in their new Board of Directors for 2016 – 2019. As we are excited to bring together the next phase of motivated Directors, we would like to thank our amazing and dedicated team from 2013 – 2016. Over the past 3 years, we have been able to bring together a pool of talent and skill to move the vision of Critical Link International forward. Without their work, vision and dedication, we would not be where we are today. With a lot of gratitude, we would like to thank the following Directors:

  • Elizabeth Abraham, Vice President

  • Bonnie Heath, Past President

  • Pascal Rillof, European Representative

  • Christopher Stone, Communications Committee

As we bid farewell, we are also very excited to announce our slate for the following 3 years. We have returning Directors, who will help move forward initiatives and dialogue that we have been involved in and a few new fresh faces that will bring new ideas and partnerships to the organization.

We are proud to announce the 2016 slate for Board of Directors:

  • Angela Sasso

Angela Sasso brings over two decades of experience in community interpreting to her position as President of Critical Link International (CLI) and her work as Director of Shifting Pictures. As a member of CLI since 2008, and in her current position as President, Angela has advocated tirelessly to promote and strengthen the community interpreting profession and quality access to care for minority language speakers since 1989.

  • Kiran Malli

Kiran Malli, Director of the Provincial Language Service at PHSA, has worked in the area of multicultural access and cultural competency since 1990 and has been specializing in access to health care for limited English proficiency patients for many years. Kiran has been a member of the Critical Link International board since 2008 and was the Organizing Committee Chair for 2009 Critical Link Canada Conference Global Voices, Local Results.

  • Naoko Ono

With a background in teaching intercultural communication in medical field, Naoko Ono has a career as translator and interpreter, educator and researcher in medical field. She is currently working on a number of research projects on health communication and medical interpreting. Naoko has been a contributing member on the board for Critical Link International since 2014.

  • Michal Schuster

Michal Schuster is a researcher and trainer in the field of public service interpreting and cultural competence in Israel. Her fields of interests include language accessibility, language policy, linguistic landscape and academic service learning. She is a lecturer at Bar Ilan University (Israel) and also a research associate at the University of the Free State (Republic of South Africa). Michal has been on the board of Critical Link International since 2013 and a member of the Research and Development committee.

  • Maria Aguilar Solano

Maria Aguilar Solano, is a professor of interpreting at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. She has a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies and her area of expertise is related to community- based interpreting. Maria is actively involved in the community and provides training to local NGOs. Maria has been a contributing member on the Board for Critical Link International since 2014

  • Lluis Baixauli-Olmos

Lluís Baixauli-Olmos works as an Assistant Professor at University of Louisville, Kentucky. His research interests include: public service interpreting, cognition of interpreters, intercultural communication, professional ethics, moral philosophy, the sociology of professions. Luis has been an active board member with Critical Link International since 2013.

New Nominees for Board of Directors 

  • Maria Wattne

Maria Wattne is a long term member of Critical Link International with a strong commitment to community interpreting. Maria’s focus has been on the professionalization of Norwegian interpreters, and has been actively involved in advancing their professional interests. For the last 9 years, she has been the communications executive for Norway’s largest union, and for the the past five years focused on web based media. Originally an interpreter and a qualified journalist, Maria is currently working at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, piloting a new, oral bilingual screening test for aspiring interpreters of Norwegian.

  • Paola Gentile

Paola Gentile, Ph.D., is a researcher in Interpreting Studies at the University of Trieste. Her Ph.D. research investigated the self-perceived professional status of conference and public service interpreters with two questionnaires which obtained 1693 responses worldwide. Her research interests include: sociology of the professions, the status of the interpreting profession and the professionalization of conference and public service interpreting, the interpreter’s social role, language rights and interpreting as a human right.

  • Esther M. Navarro-Hall

We look forward to the Annual General Meeting on June 30th, to introduce the slate and move their nomination forward. If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors or nominating a deserving member of the community, please do contact us at co*****@cr**********.org

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